Drying cabinets are used in the laboratory setting to dry a range of items such as instruments as well as glassware. You can take your pick from floor standing models, bench- or wall mounted types. Their capacities can range from 100 to 1000 liters, so you’re always going to find something that meets your needs. Sliding door drying cabinets with toughened glass for instance are straightforward and in a range of different finishes. They can be bench or wall-mounted with temperatures up to 85°C.
Drying cabinets can be customized and special features can be added to meet the user’s exact requirements. The different manufacturers also bring out different sizes of cabinets.
Hygroscopic materials such as fertilizer chemicals, salts, paper and cotton attract and hold water molecules. In a laboratory setting, these materials need to be stored in a dry environment, and this is where drying cabinets are so useful.

Drying Cabinets
Evidence remains Intact
In the Forensic Evidence environment the drying cabinet would be used for drying of evidence recovered from a crime scene. Wet evidence needs to be dried in these Evidence Drying Cabinets so that it can be stored and retrieved for testing in the future. If this wet evidence isn’t dried properly, you could land up with bacterial growth which will destroy the biological material.
These particular drying cabinets connect to air ducts to vent to the outdoors. These particular and specialized drying cabinets are made with double wall stainless steel. They come with adjustable floor levelers, mesh floor screens, magnetic door gaskets, drying racks with removable hanger rods as well a radius interior corners for easy cleaning.
These cabinets have to be well used and maintained as so much is at stake. They have to ensure containment of odors and particulates. A humidity sensor will alert the operator when the evidence is ready for removal.
The air-flow system with these drying cabinets guarantees that air is evenly distributed over every shelf in the cabinet. Products on all levels are processed equally to always achieve consistent results. The circulation fan draws in fresh air, spreads it evenly over the product, and then discharges it through a discharge vent.
Typical features in these drying cabinets are –
▪adjustable shelves
▪internal lighting
▪interior extractor fans for removing excess moisture
▪they are energy efficient
▪they are fully insulated
▪they have timers and dial thermostat control
Dealing with moisture, the warming cabinets have to be corrosion proof so as to increase operational life. They come with a plumbing package to clean the cabinets and avoid cross contamination at the same time. These cabinets are indispensable in the lab setting for protecting the user and materials from infectious pathogens as well as putrid odors.